The Blue Ridge Blue Collar Family Goes to Church

Okay, I confess. Yes, we went yet again  to Craggy Gardens.  Which is, quite honestly, a little reckless of us considering the gas shortage around here.  And considering that the gas that is available costs a pretty penny.  Yep, a little reckless.

But maybe you could just think of it as going to church–to our place of worship.  Because that’s what it was.  That’s where we most often find God—in His wild and wondrous natural world.  Maybe you could think of my unrestrained exuberance at finding a new natural wonder as a transcendent, spiritual experience.  Because that’s what it is. 

I tell people we haven’t found a church home yet, but maybe we have, after all.  Maybe we could call our church The Restored-and-Renewed-by-the-Holy-and-Wondrous-Works-of-God Sanctuary Church. 

On the other hand—maybe that’s a little long.  🙂  

Really, I wish we could find a church like that.  It would be heavenly to worship in that way—a hike together, then maybe a potluck lunch back at the picnic grounds where we all share where we found God that week—whether in the symmetry and perfection of a tiny wildflower or in the kindness of a fellow pilgrim. 

Anyway, in case you’re interested in yet more Craggy Garden shots, here’s the latest from our sojourn at our sanctuary.  As you can see, there’s not a lot of color in the trees just yet.  But the wild blueberry bushes were a deep and lovely red.  And the sky was a deep and lovely blue.  And the autumn sun lent everything a divine and holy glow.

11 Responses to “The Blue Ridge Blue Collar Family Goes to Church”

  1. luckypennies Says:

    A wonderful way to worship. 🙂 These photos are lovely. I especially like the one of the yellow leaf. The way it’s lit, it looks like it’s glowing.

  2. Clara Melvin Says:

    Thanks for sharing your church with us today. I’m sure God was right there with you. The pictures are breathtaking. How could anyone look at beauty like that and not see God?

  3. Judy Says:

    I agree with Clara. That must be one of God’s most beautiful places on earth. Everytime I see those mountains in the background in one of your pictures I just take a deep breath and enjoy the beauty. I can’t imagine what it must be like to actually be there.

  4. June Says:

    Beautiful…just beautiful…in every way.

  5. Benjamin Says:

    With a little planning, you actually could lead a church like that. Maybe with a series of verses that match the occasion/location–and like you said, with a time to discuss when each of you witnesses God in action! Those photos are beautiful, too! The leaves are starting to change up around the Sylva section of the Parkway already.

  6. Sally Moon Says:

    This Craggy Gardens is beautiful, where is it? You can email me.

  7. Jeff Says:

    Wow! Your post reminds me of an experience I had with a former girlfriend. I had taken her to get her car repaired and while there, she was accosted by an evangelical who invited my girlfriend to her church. Whereupon, my girlfriend informed the evangelical that her church “was amongst the trees.” The evangelical had no response ….

  8. CountryDew Says:

    Lovely photos and great sentiment. I think a church in the woods would suit me just fine.

  9. Going Crunchy Says:

    Hey, I’ll swing by your churcha-de -a soul anytime. Looks like a winner to me! Shannon

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  11. Seeing God in Everything…and Everyone « Blue Ridge Blue Collar Girl Says:

    […] The little road that you turn on (off the Parkway) is deceptive. The pavement is cracked and overgrown, and it’s easy to believe that no one has traveled the road for a very long time and that you’re going to have Black Balsam Knob all to yourself. Here’s where I should confess that I’m a slightly anti-social hiker, or as I prefer to call myself, a contemplative hiker. Oh sure, I enjoy brief chats with folks we meet on the trails and I love talking to my favorite hiking companions, but I’m really there to commune mainly with the One who makes all that beauty possible—God. And my favorite hikes have always been the ones where we’ve had the place mostly to ourselves, such as our hikes last year at Craggy Gardens, which you can read about here, here, and here. […]

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