I Never Seem to Learn, But Still I Try


(This song sparrow sings for me every morning)

It’s been a long while since I put up a photo post.  The truth is, sometimes I spend entirely too much time wandering in cyberspace and marveling at how many people there are out there who take way better photos than I do.  (And, for that matter, how many there are who write better than me and who are way funnier than me).  So I get shy again about putting myself out there, simply because what I offer is not as good as theirs.

Yeah, I know…silly.  And yeah, I know this is a recurring theme in my blog, mainly because it is a recurring theme in my life and the lesson I keep trying to learn—that even if what I offer is not the best, it is my best.  And, yeah, I know that sounds hokey or cliché, but it’s a simple truth I’ve always tried to teach my children. But, of course, the hardest part is learning that truth for myself.  Yes, there will always be people that can take better pictures and who can write better posts.  But there is a beauty in sharing the best that I have, however inadequate I may feel that it is.

And remembering, as well, that there is worth and value in giving others a window into my little world—a glimpse into my imperfect life.  Really, in the end, I think we all fall short of completely capturing the glory of a sunrise or the miracle of that perfect rose that blooms year after year.  Because it is impossible to adequately convey in a picture or even in words that quickening of our hearts when we witness transcendent beauty—–when we feel connected, if only for a moment, with something far greater than the imaginings of our infinitesimal, earthbound selves.  


(Mrs. Cardinal)


(Mr. Cardinal)


(Bluebird perched on our old hummingbird feeder crook)


(Song sparrow sings)


[Flamingo (not in natural habitat)]


(Song sparrow and berries)


(Song sparrow and thorns)


(Yesterday, from my front yard)

21 Responses to “I Never Seem to Learn, But Still I Try”

  1. CountryDew Says:

    Those are lovely photos! I’m particulary impressed with the birds because my bird photos are never that good. These are excellent.

  2. Margie Says:

    Those are some great photos!

  3. Betsy Says:

    Wow Beth.. You have a fabulous view of the mountains.. They are so pretty with snow on them… I LOVE your photos. They are fabulous–so don’t ever put yourself down thinking that other people’s photos are better. NOT SO–especially when somebody takes a picture and then changes it or enhances it on a photo program –which makes it look unreal (if you know what I mean). Love the two Cardinal ones and of course the Flamingo one is EXQUISITE.. ha ha


  4. Peggy Says:

    I have always been envious of your wonderful photos. Love the last one of the mountains. Please keep posting them. God bless.

  5. luckypennies Says:

    I don’t really think there is a person who can take better pictures or write better posts. 😀 I might be slightly biased…

    I love these photos. Especially the one of Mrs. Cardinal, the flamingo, and the song sparrow in berries. The song sparrow is one of my favorite pictures of all time, with the color echoed in the berries, sumac, and in his feathers.

  6. june Says:

    I wish I could take pictures of small birds this well! They’re so elusive. It’s hard to remember that we each have our own song to sing…hard not to compare ourselves with others. We can look to others for inspiration…even admiration…but in the end we’re all artists and we all have our unique gifts.

  7. wesleyjeanne Says:

    I for one am infinitely happy that you continue to put yourself out there. I would tell you not to compare yourself to others, but I am guilty of it, too (as you know). Instead I will tell you that I love your writing and I love your photos and I will keep coming back to read and view them as long as you keep posting. And that I hope you will keep posting for a long long time.

    I am blessed by your blog, your words, your photos, and your friendship.

    Oh…and I can’t get a freakin’ bird photo at all, so I’m kind of jealous of yours. Love them!


  8. Sharon Says:

    If I have to threaten violence, I will, but do not ever stop writing or taking photos. Or else. You are such a special person, and I wish that everyone had the pleasure and gift of knowing you.

  9. Nancy Says:

    Wow! I wish I could take pictures half as good as yours! Beth, I think you’ve arrived- you’re a great photographer. What I love most about your posts and your photos is that your heart always colors them. Keep snapping away!

  10. Jeff Says:

    I love the photo of the mountains – what a gorgeous view! The photo of the flamingo with snow on it was great. I’m surprised that you have one – they were very popular 20 or more years ago – I would have thought that they had all gone the way of objects plastique long ago!

  11. wesleyjeanne Says:

    By the way, even your post about not being good enough was written more beautifully than anything I ever write!

  12. Benjamin Says:

    Hey, these are excellent photos (especially the Song Sparrow in the thorns). You have such an amazing artistic sense. I aspire to be half the photographer you are (even if I get twice as good equipment).

    But I do want to make a correction: the flamingo IS in its natural habitat. The infamous “Yard Flamingo” [Phoenicopterus yardicus] has made a miraculous recovery from the everpresent claims of tackiness, and its range has expanded around the world as people embrace this new fad.

  13. eemilla Says:

    On Sunday with the snow, I took a bunch of photos, and I was not able to capture the falling flakes; plus I didn’t end up with any photos nearly as good as your bird collection. What a view!

  14. Judy Says:

    Those photos are wonderful! I certainly can’t take anything close to them. They make me think that spring has to be just around the corner and I am so impatient. I am ready to work in the yard and plant stuff, etc, etc. The cardinal is our state bird and I see them around here often but never tire of their beauty. I never see any of those pink flamingo birds around here though. (lol)

  15. Linda H Says:

    Loooove your photos! And choice of subject matter! Writing, too!

  16. Sara Says:


  17. chris Says:

    Well you get the idea that we all read your blog because you are so talented. Photos are lovely, especially like the flamingo. My mom has a couple she decorates for the season, dresses up for parties, lol.

  18. Clara Melvin Says:

    Beth, if I could write and take pictures half as good as you…..well you get the picture! I love the view from your front porch!

  19. ginger Says:

    Bird photos are great for this week! They are really singing away in our part of the world!

  20. colleen Says:

    You have the mix. You have voice, good photos, AND humor, as evidenced by the flamingo with snow on its head!

  21. CountryDreaming Says:

    The view from your front yard is absolutely superb. It’s the kind of view I drive long distances for, go on vacation to a Bed & Breakfast, and pay lots of money to see. And as a landscape photographer, I would say your composition is perfect for that panoramic mountain scene with the balance of colors enhancing the whole image through their placement. I also really love your snow-covered pink flamingo … Way fun! Just came across your blog and am glad I found you. I think it’s cool that you’ve chosen a Song Sparrow to go along with the topic of your post. It seems to fit … Just get up every morning, sing your song, and make everybody who hears it happy because your enthusiasm comes through!

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